Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tips for Cold Calling in New York

  • A lot (but not all) of New Yorkers are straight to the point people, so you want to make sure that you get your script out as soon as possible when you’re on the phone with a DFM. They consider their time to be very valuable, and don’t seem to appreciate the Midwest casualness on the phone. Get your script out, and be aggressive on your rebuttals.

  • New Yorkers hang up on people pretty often, but are open to call backs. I can think of three current clients at the top of my head who hung up on me at some point during the appointment setting process. I’m not sure if they are testing you when they do it, but they have a lot of appreciation for someone who is passionate about their product to the point that they will pick up the phone and call someone who hung up on them. It will separate you from other sales calls they get on a regular basis

  • They seem to get a lot more sales calls then other territories, and as a result, they often forget, or can’t differentiate between, sales people. So, if you call in one day, mess up, get hung up on, or hear a certain rebuttle, I recommend putting all the info into pivotal, and then starting from scratch. Whenever I bomb on a call with a DFM, I always right down how aggressive I was during the call, and do the complete opposite the next time I call in. It really is unique in NY in that you can change your approach with the same DFM a few different times, and they won’t remember that they hung up on you a week ago, and will be more open to a different angle.

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